Public Sector Pensions Negotiations Continue But The Ballot Starts Now
16 Sep 2011
GMB continues to actively negotiate with government and still believes a solution is possible, however, government has so far refused to show any willingness to engage reasonably.
Some talks have been held in the NHS and between the unions and employers in Local Government but there have been no talks on the Civil Service scheme and although unions have and several meetings with the LGG (the Local Government employers) government has opted for discussing cuts to LGPS benefits solely with Council leaders, not trade unions.
At the TUC Conference on 14th September public sector unions pledged their support for a ballot for industrial action across the public sector. Although talks can and must continue, the ballot process must begin now ahead of the proposed first day of action on Wednesday 30th November. GMB will be sending out more details in due course but members should ensure their membership information is up to date and that any non union colleagues join GMB so they too can defend their pensions.
Brian Strutton
Brian Strutton
National Secretary - Public Services Section