CORONAVIRUS: Guidance for members in Local Government & Schools

Full details about the Coronavirus for GMB members is available on the following link, which provides an update for GMB members on controlling the risk of the Coronavirus, and  full information on your Employers’ duty of care to reduce the risks from exposure to biological hazards to as low as is reasonably practicable.

Will I still be paid if I am quarantined due to the Coronavirus?

With regards to employees attending work, GMB members working in local government have the following protections under the NJC ‘Green Book’ terms and conditions:

 “An employee who is prevented from attending work because of contact with infectious disease shall be entitled to receive normal pay. The period of absence on this account shall not be reckoned against the employee’s entitlements under this scheme”

This means that if you are employed under green book terms and conditions which includes Local Government and Schools staff, including most academies, if you are required to self-isolate or are placed in quarantine, you should continue to receive your normal pay.

What if my workplace is closed?

If your school or workplace is closed but you are available to work, you therefore should be paid as normal. In addition, quarantine or workplace closure should not count towards any accumulation of points towards Bradford Factor or any other ill-health disciplinary scheme.

If you are affected and need further guidance and support please contact GMB at [email protected]


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