GMB@WORK sees organising and campaigning in the workplace on issues of real concern to workers as the best way to build union membership and therefore, strengthen the union at work.
GMB reps are now provided with training, support and encouragement like never before as our organisers, working with the regional education department, roll out GMB@WORK training to ensure all our reps are equipped to build the union in the workplace.
Effective workplace organisation has five main elements summed up as The Five ‘C’s:
GMB must always have a ‘claim’ on the negotiating table and adopt a pro-active approach in every workplace and with every employer.
GMB must ensure that everyone at work knows we exist and what we are campaigning for.
GMB reps in each workplace should know who is joining and who is leaving, who is a member and who is not and use this information to talk to potential members regularly about the union’s work.
In every workplace and sector there must be a clear and credible industrial strategy. Members must know where to go to and who to contact where they work if they need help, advice or representation. As much servicing of members as possible should be done by GMB reps at work and our training must remain focussed on providing them with the skills needed.
Everyone at work should see the GMB as being part of the workplace and in it for the long term. It is not about selling the union to potential members, but to explain where GMB stands on the issues where they work, why they should join and what they can do to support us.
If you want more details on the GMB@Work agenda in your workplace, or have any recruitment leads, please contact us on 0300 013 3377 or click here to email us.