GMB Branches Recognised for Outstanding Achievements at Regional Activity Weekend

GMB branches from across the region came together for the sixth annual Branch Activity Weekend in Wakefield, 7-8 February.  The event began with a keynote address from Tim Roache, GMB regional secretary.  Workshop forums were held during the day which focused on GMB Challenges and Opportunities,  General Election 2015, Regional Democracy and Autonomy and Immigration and Integration.  Feedback from the workshop presentations will go on to help formulate a Branch Charter and way forward for the year ahead.

A question time session was held in the afternoon and panellists included Paul Kenny, GMB General Secretary, Tom Watson, MP and our very own young member Olivia Blake.  Chaired by senior organiser Des Risebury, the panel took questions from the delegation on a whole range of issues from the economy to Islamophobia.

In the evening a special awards ceremony took place to honour branches who had worked tirelessly during 2014 for their members and communities.  From the high calibre of applicants, this year’s lucky recipients were Sheffield Health branch who won the Campaign of The Year Award for Outstanding Work in Promoting GMB@Work in the community and joint recipients of the ‘Kerry May’ Award For Outstanding Achievement in GMB@Work went to Leeds Local Government Staff and Bradford Public Services branches. 

Day two of the weekend was an opportunity for the 2014 award winners to provide an update on how they’d put their £1000 of promotional merchandise to use within their workplaces and communities. 

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