GMB would like to invite you to attend the opening night of the film "The Time Is Now" Suffragette.
- Monday 12th October
Showing time 7.25pm
Showcase Cinema in Birstall Leeds
Tickets are priced at £9.25 each and Tim Roache, Regional Secretary, has kindly agreed to subsidise this price to £5.00 per ticket. Can you please confirm your attendance ASAP on one of the contact numbers below. It would be brilliant to have a cinema full of GMB sisters so please if you can attend do and share far and wide.
Kind Regards,
Deanne Ferguson Claire Laycock
Regional Organiser Equality & Inclusion Officer
GMB Wakefield - 0345 3377-777
Mobile - 07850919933
Facebook - Deanne Ferguson
Twitter - @deanneferguson
Facebook - GMB at ASOS
Facebook - GMB Yorkshire & North Derbyshire at ASDA
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