GMB, the NHS Union, begins a national ballot on the NHS pay offer for 2018-21. The pay offer only applies to NHS Employers in England.
It does not apply to NHS in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, nor to NHS Contractors or the wholly owned subsidiaries, and will apply from 1 April. GMB held a Pay Conference on 20 March 2018, consisting of delegates from each GMB Region, who were employed in the NHS.
That conference agreed to recommend to GMB members that they vote to reject the Pay Offer.
Each GMB Region in England will be visiting NHS workplaces to hold meeting where GMB members and colleagues can hear why GMB advises members to reject the pay deal.
You will be made aware of when and where these meetings are going to take place and should make every effort to attend.
In many of the meetings members will be able to vote on the pay offer, having heard why GMB advise members to reject it.
If you want further information about meetings organised in your workplace contact us on 0345 337 7777.
NHS Staff Council: Framework agreement on the proposed reform of Agenda for Change
Pay Offer Workplace Meeting Poster