National Local Government (NJC) employers have now made their pay offer for 2023/24.

The recognised Unions (GMB, Unison & Unite) submitted a pay claim for: 

  • An increase of RPI + 2% on all spinal column points 
  • Consideration of a flat rate increase to hourly rates of pay in order to bring the minimum rate up to £15 per hour within two years 
  • A review and improvement of NJC terms for family leave and pay  
  • A review of job evaluation outcomes for school staff whose day to day work includes working on Special Educational Needs (SEN)  
  • An additional day of annual leave for personal or well-being purposes  
  • A homeworking allowance for staff for whom it is a requirement to work from home  
  • A reduction in the working week by two hours  
  • A review of the pay spine, including looking at the top end, and discussions about the link between how remuneration can be used to improve retention  

The offer that has now been received is for: 

  • A one year (1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024) pay increase of £1,925 (pro rata for part-time employees) to be paid as a consolidated, permanent addition on all NJC points 2-43 inclusive. 
  • An increase of 3.88% on all allowances (as listed in the 2022 NJC Pay Agreement Circular dated 1st November 2022). 

In response to the other elements of the pay claim, the employers position is: 

  • National employers propose that exploratory ‘without prejudice’ informal discussions are undertaken to map out considerations of how and when the pay spine may be reviewed. 
  • To enter into discussions on the broader family leave and pay issues raised in the claim. 
  • A review of all school support staff role profiles to be undertaken by the Job Evaluation Technical Working Group. 

Employers rejected the following elements of the pay claim: 

  • Consideration of a flat rate increase to a minimum rate of £15 per hour within two years. 
  • Establishing model role profiles for school support staff jobs, with advisory banding structures. 
  • A homeworking allowance for staff for whom it is a requirement to work from home. 
  • A reduction in the working week by two hours. 

Unions will now engage further with employers on this offer. Your joint local government and schools committees will meet to discuss any final offer received before we move to a full consultation of members. 

More details will follow shortly. 



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