Politics is too important to leave to the politicians.
The rules about how trade union members have a say in Labour Party elections have changed. In order to have a vote GMB members need to sign up to become an official ‘Labour Party affiliated supporter’. We’re asking you to sign up.
What GMB is asking you to do
It is the long term plan to ask GMB members to become affiliated supporters but with Labour leadership, deputy leadership and London Mayoral selections already underway, if GMB members would like to use their right to have a say in the contests, they have to sign up now. In previous contests GMB members would have been sent a ballot paper automatically. This time they need to register in order to have a say.
Why we’re doing it
Signing a form or signing up online. That’s it. GMB already pays a political levy for our affiliated members, so there is no cost to becoming a supporter. The only action required is for a member to sign a form (or sign up online) saying they agree with the aims of the Labour Party and giving us permission to pass their details to them. GMB make a note of who has signed up, then let the Party know the member wants to be an affiliated supporter. The Labour Party will check that the member is on the electoral roll and issue a ballot paper.
What does it entail?
Members can register to be an affiliated supporter at anytime but to vote in the Labour leadership contests they must be registered with Labour by August 12th.
What’s the timescale?
There will be spot checks on affiliated supporters to make sure that they are genuine. That’s why we need to make sure members sign the forms themselves and are also registered to vote. Members may be contacted by email to verify they exist! Including the name of their employer and a GMB membership number on forms where possible will help us to more quickly identify members who want to affiliate - your help with that is much appreciated!
Anything else we need to know?
Order sign up forms by emailing: [email protected]
Download a printable form here: http://www.gmb.org.uk/our_voice Go to the unionstogether website and sign up: http://www.unionstogether.org.uk/our_voice
How do we do it?
My message to members is that politics is too important to leave just to the politicians. GMB members have the right to vote in the contest to choose the next leader of the Labour Party. It’s free and as easy as filling in a form. We want them to: Have a voice. Get a vote. Fill it in.
Paul Kenny General Secretary, GMB