Since Friday over 1,200 people have signed the Derbyshire County Council petition objecting care home closures. Thank you if you were one of the many who signed.
East Midlands Labour is now asking for your help again to put more pressure on our politicians to halt these closures - at least until the current healthcare crisis is over.
3 easy ways YOU can help:
1. If you haven’t signed the petition, please sign it. The link to petition is here.
2. Please share this facebook post promoting the petition, linked here, with your friends and family and persuade them to sign the petition.
3. You can contact your local MP asking them to persuade the County to halt the closures. You can find out who you MP is by clicking on this link.
Your help here is vital. The more we highlight these closure plans, and the more pressure we place on our politicians, the greater chance we have in stopping these careless actions
Thank you for your support.