
The GMB has 7 Regions:  

  • Birmingham & Midland Region
  • London Region
  • North East, Yorkshire & Humber
  • North West & Irish Region
  • Scotland Region
  • Southern Region
  • Wales & South West Region

There are over 300 Organisers in GMB who work full-time for the Union. They are experts in their industries, and also hold valuable experience and knowledge in employment law, pensions and other vital areas of concern to our members. Their job is to assist negotiations and to back-up our workplace representatives.

Each Region has a team of dedicated officers, staff and administrators who are managed by a Regional Secretary. He or she is answerable to the Regional Council for the workings of the Union and its officers. The councils are made up of active lay members of the Union who are elected every two years and in turn elect a Regional Committee to oversee the business of the Region.

GMB’s 7 regions enjoy considerable autonomy and their makeup reflects the traditions and industrial mix of the areas they represent. As well as providing support to members, reps and branches, Regions also oversee the payment of benefits and provide a range of professional services covering legal, health and safety, pensions, equality, young members and retired members. Many Regions also offer additional benefits including loans, home and motor insurance.

The Regions put forward delegates to attend GMB Conferences and Congress as well as to sit on National and Regional (GMB or affiliated) Committees.

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