Dedicated Adult Learning
The Regional Union Learning Committee has been formed with the purpose of establishing the priorities of the GMB’s regional learning agenda, and organising the union to meet these priorities.
The aims of the committee will be:
- To increase the uptake of adult learning
- To organise the GMB and build up its profile in workplaces and communities through learning
- To increase union membership
- To encourage members to become Union Learning Reps
- To encourage branches to elect ULR officers
- To increase the profile of union learning within the GMB
- To keep up-to-date with and provide regional strategies for current learning issues and initiatives
- To work alongside key partners such as the GMB’s ULF projects, training providers, the TUC and Unionlearn
At the last Regional Lifelong Learning Committee meeting which took place on Weds 30th November 2022 our new Constitution was agreed and signed.
Committee Meeting Dates
The dates for committee meetings are:
To follow
Meeting Minutes
- 25th November 2020.pdf
- 7th October 2020.pdf
- 22nd July 2020.pdf
- 17th June 2020.pdf
- 4th March 2020.docx
- 7th February 2018.doc
Terms of Reference
Regional Union Learning Committee - Agreed Terms of Reference.pdf
ULR Manual Produced by the GMB.pdf
The Activist: Union Learning.pdf